Duty Drawback
Carmichael’s drawback specialists can assist you in ascertaining the most cost-effective and comprehensive method of recovering duty drawback. Under your direction, Carmichael can analyze your purchasing program, import and export processes, inventory practices, and recordkeeping procedures to design a comprehensive and cost-effective duty drawback program to maximize your refund potential.
Once a program is established, procedures will be implemented for the efficient transfer of documentation and data from you to Carmichael.
Our experienced staff will create a database from which information can be extracted to prepare and support drawback claims. The staff will work directly with U.S. Customs to secure advice, troubleshoot problems, and discuss any issues, which may need clarification.
If Customs should request an audit of your claims, Carmichael will gladly assist you in any way possible to see that all information is verified and complies with all government regulatory requirements.
Our drawback fee is based on a percentage of the net recovery depending on volume and the condition of the data.